Sprint Triathlon
Weeks 6 & 7
The Preamble
Stay with it
You are doing GREAT! Your Training pattern is truly established now. Body feeling stronger and more efficient every day. Well done so far!
Pay attention to your body! SOMETIMES niggly discomforts creep in here at this time, especially with the increases in running times. It’s because of the impact. DO take stock of any discomforts you may be experiencing with The Discomfort Scale: If on a scale of 1-10, with 1 feeling almost nothing and 10 feeling a lot of discomfort, you should really never rise above a 3-4 before that discomfort starts to go away.
If it’s climbing higher, then slow your progression, maybe take a break from the running and choose to do more on the bike or in the pool – that’s one of the great things about the Triathlon – you have 3 disciplines to choose from!
Your Weekly
Workout Schedule
Day off or Swim Training
Total time: 15 minutes
Swim one length easy, concentrating on high elbows in and out of the water.
Stop and rest for 30 secs.
Swim to the other wall and rest.
Repeat for 15 minutes
Run Training
Week 6
Total time: 28 min
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.
Run 5 minutes.
Walk 1 minute.
Do this 3 times.
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.
Week 7
Total time: 34 min
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.
Run 7 minutes.
Walk 1 minute.
Do this 3 times.
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.
Bike Training
Total time: 40 minutes
Easy cycle for 10 minutes.
20 minutes of the toe-touch drill
As your foot approaches the 12 o’clock position, try to touch your toes to the end of your shoe.
Make sure your heel is slightly higher than the ball of your foot during this.
Easy cycle for 10 minutes.
Run Training
Week 6
Total time: 30 min
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.
Run 3 minutes.
Walk 1 minute.
Do this 5 times.
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.
Week 7
Total time: 34 min
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.
Run 3 minutes.
Walk 1 minute.
Do this 6 times.
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.