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Woo hoo! You must really be a runner! Congratulations on deciding to embark on the journey to complete the Half Marathon distance. I guarantee this will be a rewarding experience.

Coach Lynn

What to expect

It's important to realize that it takes more time to prepare for the longer distance, and it's likely you'll be generally more tired. That also means it will involve more organizing your time to fit your workouts into a busy schedule, with more time away from family, work and other commitments. 

You'll need to be able to rest and recovery when you feel tired, and you'll need to make sure you take good care of yourself with healthy lifestyle choices. There is no doubt the physical demands in this program will take a greater toll on other aspects of your life. 

So, let's begin by recognizing the commitment. Pencil your workouts into your planner like any other important meeting, and resolve to stick to them! Each training session brings you that much closer to achieving your goal. 

The distance:

The Half Marathon distance is 21.1km – that's more than double the distance of the 10K, and that much more demanding on your mind, body and spirit.


Before you begin this journey, I strongly suggest you complete my Run Strong program or a 10K event at least once or twice.

The schedule:

This program is broken into 3 phases. You'll find suggestions for what to do each day of the week – including running, cross-training and rest days.

Minimum effort:

At a minimum, complete the workouts on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. But optimally, follow all of the suggestions!


Weeks 1-4

Establishing your commitment to training, finding your rhythm and adjusting to an increase in running volume.


Weeks 5-8

Getting comfortable with longer workouts and preparing to complete the distance with mental positivity and event rehearsals.


Weeks 9 & 10

Final preparation and getting ready to safely complete the half marathon in a way that's right for you.

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