Half Marathon
Week 6
Your Weekly
Workout Schedule
Change-of-Pace Intervals
Total time: 50 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Run slow-and-easy 5 minutes
5 min. Brisk Run + 2 min. Recovery Walk/Run
3 min. Brisk Run + 2 min. Recovery Walk/Run
1 min. Brisk Run + 2 min. Recovery Walk/Run
Do this 2 times
Run slow-and-easy 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Rest & Mobility
Rest, stretch or do yoga.
Easy Run
Total time: 60 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Run 50 minutes as you feel
Walk 5 minutes
Hill Run
Total time: 30 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Run slow-and-easy 5 minutes
Find a gradual hill, around 75m in length
Run half-way up, recovery jog back down
Run the whole way up, jog back down
Repeat this pattern for 10 minutes
Run slow-and-easy 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
More About Hill Runs
Including hill runs in your training is a great way to build the stamina needed to complete the Half Marathon Distance.
Here's how:
Lean slightly into the hill
Keep your abs and back strong
Focus your attention just a few feet in front of you
Shorten your arm swing and consciously pump those arms – as always the arms dictate your turnover and pace
Shorten your leg stride with small, quick steps
Land on the balls of your feet and consciously lift your knees as quickly as possible when your foot touches the ground
Be patient. One step at at time. Regardless of whether you run or walk up, getting to the top is a great confidence booster.
Freedom Friday
Take the day off.
Long Run
Total distance: 14.5 (9 miles)
Walk 5 minutes
Run 14.5km (9mi) as you feel
Walk 5 minutes
Walk for 20-30 minutes.

When you've completed all this week's sessions, you're ready to move ahead.
Coach Lynn