Going Beyond
the Frame
Learn to Run
Week 1
Making a Start
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."
Lao Tzu
The Weekly Preamble
Notes, techniques and quick tips to help you feel your best and get the most out of your runs each week. Read this section before you get started with your weekly workouts.
Coach's Notes
If you're new to running or haven't run in months or more, this program is for you!
You'll progress to Magical 10-and-1s and be able to complete 5K-10K and more
Take your time – don't feel rushed or like you need to do more. Your body will adjust one week at a time.
You'll have success and find it easy if you stick to the program!
Keep it slow – speed is not important at this stage
Your goal is to feel comfortable and find your own natural running rhythm
Your "run" should be a very slow jog, more like a shuffle, at a comfortable talking pace
You should be able to briskly walk as fast as you are running and carry on a brief conversation
If the workouts feel easy and you think your pace is too slow, that's GOOD!
Quick Tips
No quick tips for this week! You've got this.
Training Schedule
Week 1
Total time: 50 minutes
Walk slow and easy for 10 minutes.
Include dynamic stretches.
Run 1 minute. Walk 2 minutes.
Do this 10 times.
Walk slow and easy for 10 minutes.
Finish with static stretches.
Total time: 38 minutes
Walk slow and easy for 10 minutes.
Include dynamic stretches.
Run 1 minute. Walk 2 minutes.
Do this 6 times.
Walk slow and easy for 10 minutes.
Finish with static stretches.
Total time: 44 minutes
Walk slow and easy for 10 minutes.
Include dynamic stretches.
Run 1 minute. Walk 2 minutes.
Do this 8 times.
Walk slow and easy for 10 minutes.
Finish with static stretches.

When you complete all 3 sessions this week – awesome!
You'll be ready for Week 2.
Smiles and have a great week!
Coach Lynn