Going Beyond
the Frame
Learn to Run
Week 2
On Your Way
"The only limits you have are those you place on yourself."
Kristinna Habashy
The Weekly Preamble
Notes, techniques and quick tips to help you feel your best and get the most out of your runs each week. Read this section before you get started with your weekly workouts.
Coach's Notes
Don't forget! Dynamic exercises to warm up and static stretches to cool down.
Don't make the common mistake of trying to do too much, too fast, too soon!
You are working to find a comfortable personal rhythm that is all your own. Be patient
Speed is truly not important at this stage.
Stay nice and relaxed – NO huffin' and puffin'!
Keep a short little swing of your arms, tight to your sides, with elbows bent at 90 degrees.
Keep a short stride with very little knee lift and a quick turnover with your legs
Feet should land on your mid-foot under your hips – more like a shuffle
Should feel like you could briskly WALK as fast as you're running. Maintain an easy talking pace.
Quick Tips
Visit a good running fitness store to ensure you have the right shoes to support your running gait and foot type.
Take in an old pair of shoes so the experts can analyze wear and tear to help determine the best shoe for you
Use your phone or get a sport watch to keep track of your intervals
There are many apps that work well – Tabata is one of them.
Training Schedule
Week 2
Total time: 44 minutes
Walk slow and easy for 10 minutes.
Include dynamic stretches.
Run 2 minutes. Walk 2 minutes.
Do this 6 times.
Walk slow and easy for 10 minutes.
Finish with static stretches.
Total time: 44 minutes
Walk slow and easy for 10 minutes.
Include dynamic stretches.
Run 1 minute. Walk 2 minutes.
Do this 8 times.
Walk slow and easy for 10 minutes.
Finish with static stretches.
Total time: 40 minutes
Walk slow and easy for 10 minutes.
Include dynamic stretches.
Run 2 minutes. Walk 2 minutes.
Do this 5 times.
Walk slow and easy for 10 minutes.
Finish with static stretches.
When you complete all 3 sessions this week – awesome!
You'll be ready for Week 3.
Smiles and have a great week!
Coach Lynn