Going Beyond
the Frame
Run Easy
Week 5
Back to Building
"Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it."
Oprah Winfrey
The Weekly Preamble
Get notes, techniques and quick tips to help you feel your best and get the most out of your runs each week. Read this section before you get started with your weekly workouts.
Coach's Notes
Back to work – time to think about your technique!
Volume is up! Number of minutes and quality of your running are progressing
Quick Tips
Experiencing persistent aches or discomfort? Cross training is a good solution

Training Schedule
Week 5
Total time: 45 minutes
Walk comfortably for 5 minutes.
Run easy peasy for 4 minutes.
Walk for 1 minute.
Include dynamic stretches.
Brisk Run for 3 minutes.
Recovery Walk/Run for 2 minutes.
Do this 5 times.
Walk and/or easy run for 10 minutes.
Static stretches to finish.
Total time: 37-46 minutes
Today's tip:
Choose less volume today if it's your first time through (i.e. do the shorter run workout)
Walk comfortably for 5 minutes.
Include dynamic stretches.
Run for 27-36 minutes.
Alternate 8 min running with 1 min walking.
Walk comfortably for 5 minutes.
Static stretches to finish.
Total time: 46-52 minutes
Walk comfortably for 5 minutes.
Include dynamic stretches.
Run for 36-42 minutes.
Alternate 5 min talking-pace running with 1 min walking.
Walk comfortably for 5 minutes.
Static stretches to finish.

Have I mentioned Dynamic Warm-ups and Static Stretches? Don't skip 'em! They're an important part of every workout.
Smiles and have a great week!
Coach Lynn