Going Beyond
the Frame
Run Easy
Week 6
Speed Play & "10-and-1s"
"A winner's strongest muscle is her heart"
Cassie Campbell, Gold Medalist in hockey
The Weekly Preamble
Get notes, techniques and quick tips to help you feel your best and get the most out of your runs each week. Read this section before you get started with your weekly workouts.
Coach's Notes
Woo hooooo you've progressed to Magical 10-and-1s!
Stay with what feels good – enjoy your fitness and push your pace as long as you leave it feeling like you could do more
Quick Tips
"Fartlek" is the Swedish word for "Speed Play" – it's a lot of fun!
Be creative with the 25 minute workout time – anything goes! There is no right or wrong combination.
Training Schedule
Week 6
Total time: 50 minutes
Walk comfortably for 5 minutes.
Include dynamic stretches.
Run easy peasy for 10 minutes.
Do more dynamic stretches.
Take a few extra minutes to find your focus.
25 minute Fartlek.
Recover as you feel.
Run easy peasy for 10 minutes, or any combination you feel.
Static stretches to finish.
Total time: 32-44 minutes
Walk comfortably for 5 minutes.
Include dynamic stretches.
Run for 22-33 minutes.
Alternate 10 min running with 1 min walking.
If this is your first time through, do the shorter option.
Walk comfortably for 5 minutes.
Static stretches to finish.
Total time: 43-54 minutes
Walk comfortably for 5 minutes.
Include dynamic stretches.
Run for 33-44 minutes.
Alternate 10 min talking-pace running with 1 min walking.
Walk comfortably for 5 minutes.
Static stretches to finish.
When you've successfully completed all 3 sessions this week and are feeling good, you're ready for Week 7!
Smiles and have a great week!
Coach Lynn