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Going Beyond
the Frame

Run Strong

Week 2

On Your Way

"Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it."

Oprah Winfrey

The Weekly Preamble

Notes, techniques and quick tips to help you feel your best and get the most out of your runs each week. Read this section before you get started with your weekly workouts.

Coach's Notes

  • Woo hoo! You've got the first week under your belt! You are truly on your way. 

  • Pace is personal. Do not worry about how fast you run, let it come as you get fitter "without strain" 

  • Be patient and allow your fitness and comfort level to improve naturally  

  • Our goal for this program is to build your efficiency and comfort level while running steady. For some, this might mean running faster, too.

Quick Tips

  • Remember to stay at a talking pace for all warm-ups, cool-downs and steady runs 

  • For change-of-pace intervals, your pace should be brisk – just slightly faster than talking pace 

  • Please check the detailed coaching advice each week for tips on rhythm, pacing and recovery.


Detailed Advice

Get more out of your runs this week with additional techniques and tips.

Training Schedule

Week 2

  • Total time: 44 minutes


    • Run slow & easy for 10 minutes.

    • Include dynamic stretches.

    • Take a few extra minutes to find your focus.


    • 1 min Brisk Run + 2 min Recovery Walk/Run

    • 2 min BR + 2 min RWR

    • 3 min BR + 2 min RWR

    • 3 min BR + 2 min RWR

    • 2 min BR + 2 min RWR

    • 1 min BR + 2 min RWR 


  • Total time: 30-40 minutes



    • Run 20-30 minutes steady and comfortable.

    • OR alternate "10-and-1s" 2 or 3 times as you feel. 

    • Choose less volume if you're preparing for the 5K, more if you're preparing for the 10K.


  • Total time: 40-50 minutes



    • Run 30-40 minutes steady and comfortable.

    • OR alternate "10-and-1s" 3 or 4 time as you feel.


Let's get to it! When you complete all 3 sessions this week, you'll be ready for Week 3.

Smiles and have a great week!

Coach Lynn

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