Sprint Triathlon
Week 13
The Preamble
You can do this! PEAK VOLUME these next couple weeks of the program AND the quality is up as you feel fitter and stronger and find yourself moving more efficiently in all disciplines – This means your sessions are longer, you are more confident, and you are ready for the effort!
Your Weekly
Workout Schedule
Day off or Swim Training
Total time: 15 minutes
Swim 100m easy and rest 30 seconds.
Then swim 25m hard and rest for 30 seconds. Do this 3 times.
For the remainder of the workout, swim 100m followed by 30 seconds of rest.
Run Training
Total time: 27 minutes
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.
Run for 5 minutes. Walk 1 minute.
Run for 10 minutes. Walk 1 minute.
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.
Bike Training
Total time: 45-50 minutes
Easy 10-minute ride.
Ride for 30 minutes (Option: ride up to 60 minutes if you feel good).
Try and find a course with lots of short hills.
Ride up and down the same hill, staying seated and keeping your cadence above 70rpm. Stop if your knees hurt!
Easy ride for 5-10 minutes.
Run Training
Total time: 34 minutes
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.
Run for 5 minutes.
Walk for 1 minute.
Do this 4 times.
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.