Sprint Triathlon
Week 14
The Preamble
Sh-sh-sh-sh! I can share a wee secret: These next few weeks are truly “icing on the cake” – all elements coming together with combinations and “race prep” – they are designed for you to feel absolutely at your best when Event Day arrives… BUT! If your event was TOMORROW your secret bit of information is you could complete your Sprint Tri without any difficulty.
Watch this quick video from me to celebrate where you're at and make a plan for the final 2 weeks of training.
So why train another couple of weeks? Because your confidence will continue to grow AND we have some nice recovery with less work in the last 2 weeks so that your body and brain will be in PEAK form when it counts most 😊.
Your Weekly
Workout Schedule
Day off or Swim Training
Total time: 15 minutes
Swim 100m easy and rest for 30 seconds.
Then swim 25m hard and rest for 30 seconds. Do this 3 times.
For the remainder of the workout, swim 100m followed by rest.
Run Training
Total time: 37 minutes
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.
Run for 10 minutes. Walk 1 minute.
Run 15 minutes. Walk 1 minute.
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.
Bike Training
Total time: 45-50 minutes
Easy 10-minute ride.
Ride for 30 minutes (Option: ride up to 60 minutes if you feel good).
Try and find a course with lots of short hills.
Ride up and down the same hill, staying seated and keeping your cadence above 70rpm. Stop if your knees hurt!
Easy ride for 5-10 minutes.
Run Training
Total time: 38 minutes
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.
Run for 10 minutes. Walk 1 minute. Do this 2 times.
Run for 5 minutes. Walk 1 minute.
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.