Sprint Triathlon
Week 15
The Preamble
Familiarity is KEY now in these final couple of weeks – it feels GREAT to understand your sessions and have the confidence knowing you can complete them comfortably and easily: The workouts you’ve done before, you understand the combinations, you make time in your day for your sessions and you know how good that feels, you are excited now and ready for Event Day but just ENJOY these last 2 weeks because there are now no more surprizes… in fact you are READY😊
Your Weekly
Workout Schedule
Day off or Swim Training
Total time: 15 minutes
Swim 100m easy and rest for 30 seconds.
Then swim 25m hard and rest for 30 seconds. Do this 3 times.
For the remainder of the workout, swim 100m followed by rest.
Run Training
Total time: 42 minutes
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.
Run for 10 minutes. Walk 1 minute.
Run 20 minutes. Walk 1 minute.
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.
Bike Training
Total time: 40 minutes
Ride comfortably for 40 minutes at a fairly high cadence.
Run Training
Total time: 48 minutes
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.
Run for 15 minutes. Walk 1 minute. Do this 2 times.
Run for 5 minutes. Walk 1 minute.
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.
Swim Training
Total distance: 500 meters
Warm-up with 100m easy.
Then swim 400m non-stop and time yourself!
Optional Bike Training
Total time: 20 minutes
Keep the effort in Zone 1 and Zone 2, easy.
Concentrate on pedaling cadence while in Zone 2 – the goal is 90 RPM (revolutions per minute).
Count every time your right foot goes down for one minute.
If less than 90 rpm, switch to an easier gear (larger ring in the back).
Cool down for 5 minutes in Zone 1.
Bike Training
Total time: 20 minutes
Keep the effort in Zone 1 and Zone 2, easy.
Concentrate on pedaling cadence while in Zone 2 – the goal is 90 RPM (revolutions per minute).
Count every time your right foot goes down for one minute.
If less than 90 rpm, switch to an easier gear (larger ring in the back).
Cool down for 5 minutes in Zone 1.
Optional Swim Training
Total time: 10 minutes
10-minute swim:
Swim one length of the pool, concentrating on stroke – you are an expert now at that nice long “S” pull through the water.
Rest for 30 seconds.
Repeat this (swim one length and rest) for 10 minutes.
Your Fifth BRICK
Total time: 82 minutes
You’re confident and familiar with this now – what it feels like in mind and body. Being prepared in this transition of the Tri is something many people do not do, so you are ahead of the pack 😊.
Bike for 50 minutes
Start with 20 minute warm-up, building in intensity from Zone 1 to Zone 2.
Ride 30 minutes hard (race pace). As always, return to Zone 1 in the last couple of minutes to spin out the legs before your run.
Quickly transition to the run.
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.
Run 10 minutes. Walk 1 minute. Do this 2 times.
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.

You're almost there! When you've completed all the sessions for this week, you're entering into the final stretch. 1 week to go!
Coach Lynn